A client from a financial institution wanted to refresh a 10+ year-old curriculum on selling mortgages for anyone who was new to credit at the organization.
They reached out to Benchmark to design a solution that would meet the needs of today’s learners, including:
· Close content gaps in key credit capability areas.
· Correct and update content.
· Provide a more interactive and engaging learning experience.
· Focus on practice and application.
· Reduce seat time as well as time to proficiency with blended delivery channels.
Be able to be taken as a whole during onboarding, but also in pieces for anyone who needs a refresher.
Benchmark conducted a series of design sprints with all stakeholders to establish overall design principles, create a high-level curriculum roadmap to identify and sequence desired outcomes, and a detailed roadmap to establish preliminary learning objectives and determine the appropriate delivery channel for each curriculum component.
We determined that a scenario-based approach would be the best way to bring the learning to life for our learners.
We then staggered the design and development of each component over the course of a year, and developed templates for SMEs to fill in content to kick off the work on a curriculum component.
This allowed the team to fall into a steady rhythm of designing, developing, and providing feedback, enabling us to complete a 16-month project in just 12 months, and producing over 30 components via a variety of delivery channels, including job aids, videos, elearning, eclassroom, and assessments.
Learners appreciate the interactive and engaging curriculum components and being able to take the curriculum at their own pace.
For more information, contact Kathy Lee.