The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) required Client Focused Reforms (CFR) to be in place by December 31, 2021.

Our client asked us to partner with them to design and develop a self-paced curriculum for multiple roles across the enterprise, as well as an eclassroom with an asynchronous web-based equivalent for sustainment.
They also asked us to provide ongoing project management over the duration of the project, including regular touchpoints to track progress and remove roadblocks.
In the first phase of this project, we worked closely with our client to confirm the overall curriculum design. To accommodate tight timelines, we built a project plan allowing us to work on multiple learning assets simultaneously, while respecting subject matter experts’ busy schedules, as well as for the ongoing design and production of systems changes related to CFR.
The self-paced curriculum consisted of an introductory video and infographic, an observation checklist, a detailed reference guide to the system changes, three scenario-based videos and two mini-assessments. The eclassroom time was devoted entirely to hands-on practice, and we conducted two virtual 100+ participant train-the-trainer sessions, to prepare the many people who would facilitate the eclassroom sessions.
Despite delays in systems changes, the self-paced curriculum was live on the LMS and assigned to learners three days early!
Based on the success of the project, our key client partner has been nominated for an award.
Comments from facilitators after the TTTs include:
Thanks for your partnership in making the 2 CFR TTT sessions a resounding success! This was a high profile audience and they were both very large groups so really appreciated your flexibility in making them high impact and memorable.
Comments after facilitating the workshop include:
It played out exactly as it was laid out to be facilitated. Touching on the learning three different ways (during the self-paced curriculum) before we asked learners to practice made a difference.
Contact Natasha Burrow or Farah Merchant for more information.